The compulsions and dialects.
The world in which we live is in deconstruction era and the
people manufactured are in coordinated way designed verily from their birth,
the planning is the most pervert ideology of modern civilized and exploited
people that mankind has ever witnessed. The compulsion of pervert society
indulges verily on the same day when one is born. The rituals and fabricated
harmony which is based on formality rather than heartily aspiration and
happiness. the family decides the assumed future of new born child and most they
get happy on male child and nervous on female child birth. The construction of
child’s character and aim is been indoctrinate by the pervasion of parents and
then school where it is been manipulated to form a true lazy, coward slave of
the system of exploitation, without questioning and reasoning the order under
span of control and division of labor.
The society which by its constitution provides right to
equality for both men and women irrespective of any caste, sex, color, place of
birth etc but yet in the self greedy society we provide excuses to justify our
guilt’s and evil under the veil of modernity and constitutionalism but in
reality ground same people humiliate most humanity and discord the equality of
men and women in society. The social mental construction of female in society
is that we develop them as dolls and indoctrinate them through the means of
television’s glamour and explicit fashion, it teaches them that a girl shall
have a boy friend who is not less then a super hero and guardian of girls
chaste and romance with her, while manipulating ; creates a hectic between the
love of parents and child where she think them as enemy to her so called lust
love. Up to the age of puberty she hardly gets time for religion preaching and
understand the doctrine of religion then suddenly the family and society
desires and wants that a girl shall be more devotional fine but they don’t
consider how she has been raised and she will always reflect the essence of
what she is made up of.