Sunday 15 September 2024

Oh blessed one: A Prophet's Journey

By Athar Mudasir 

The heavens danced on your arrival.
Birds viped elephants.
Palaces shock and crack.

A radiant light descends in the middle of earth.
Thy presence brought abundance wherever it resided.

A revelation, a message divine,
Arrived on his shoulders,
From the heavens above, a celestial sign.
With courage and faith, he spread the decree,
Undeterred by trials, steadfast and free.

In Mecca’s heart, a city carving stones,  
Muhammad was born, the final prophet known.  
A merchant of truth, with a heart pure and bright,  
Guiding the lost from darkness to light.

To Medina he traveled, the city of peace,  
Where Islam would flourish, its blessings increase.  
A community united, believers as one,  
Building a nation, where justice would be done.

A battle of faith, a test of their will,
At Badr they triumphed, their spirits to fill.
A victory for Islam, a sign from above,
Strengthening their belief and their unwavering love.

A journey to Jerusalem, a vision profound,  
A meeting with prophets from all lands around.  
A celestial ascent, a testament to his might,  
A beacon of hope, illuminating the night.

A life well-lived, a legacy fully told,
The prophet of Islam, a story to uphold.
His teachings, a guide for all time,
Inspiring the faithful, a beacon divine.

Tuesday 3 September 2024

The Perils of Overconfidence: From Excitement to Delusion and Myth


Overconfidence, often fueled by excessive excitement, can be a double-edged sword. While it can drive innovation and achievement, it can also lead to a slippery slope towards delusion and myth. When unchecked, these delusions can pave the way for misguided decisions and actions, ultimately leading to wrong paths.

The Path to Delusion

Overconfidence can blind us to the potential pitfalls and limitations of our plans. When we become overly excited about an idea or project, we may downplay risks, ignore dissenting opinions, and overestimate our abilities. This can create a distorted view of reality, leading to delusions about our chances of success.

For example, a startup founder may become so convinced of their revolutionary product that they fail to recognize the competitive landscape or the challenges of scaling the business. Similarly, a political leader might believe so strongly in their ideology that they disregard the concerns of their constituents and pursue policies that are ultimately harmful.

The Birth of Myth

Delusions can often give rise to myths, which are exaggerated or false stories that are widely believed. These myths can be perpetuated through word of mouth, media, or even religious or cultural traditions. Once a myth takes hold, it can be difficult to dispel, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

The history of human civilization is littered with examples of myths that have had profound and lasting consequences. The belief in a flat Earth, for instance, hindered exploration and scientific progress for centuries. Similarly, the myth of racial superiority has fueled discrimination, violence, and oppression.

The Wrong Path

Delusions and myths can lead to misguided decisions and actions that have negative consequences. For example, a company that believes it is invincible may make reckless investments or engage in unethical practices. A government that is misled by false information may pursue policies that harm its citizens or destabilise the region.

Moreover, delusions and myths can create a self-fulfilling prophecy. If people believe that something is inevitable or impossible, they may behave in ways that make it more likely to come true. For example, a fear of economic collapse can lead to panic buying and hoarding, which can actually trigger a recession.

In conclusion, overconfidence can be a powerful force, but it must be tempered with a healthy dose of scepticism and critical thinking. By recognizing the dangers of delusion and myth, we can avoid making costly mistakes and stay on the right path.

Oh blessed one: A Prophet's Journey

By Athar Mudasir  The heavens danced on your arrival. Birds viped elephants. Palaces shock and crack. A radiant light descends in the middle...