Thursday, 9 March 2017

Perception; Confrontation and abduction, contempory causes for protests and outrage by people against state. Idea against Idea!
The host state, always being one of most famous natural beautified place in Asia and India, due to its fantastic natural beauties surrounded by mountains, rivers, glaciers and inherited culture and traditions and disputed or conflict, whatever people and power call but the matter will only be judged by defacto and dejure altogether. It is also place where saffron is grown with maximum quality.
The state is represented and domain of India is ruled under article 370 of COI. The Kashmir which we know, its prevailing situation is responsible on the history of partition of India. Aftermath the destiny of millions of people was lying on some handful diplomats and political scientists. The politics played by these personnel’s was very nasty and decisive, all parties whoso where in concern for power. Kashmir became a core issue between pak and India, which outraged four wars and all where directly related to Kashmir. There is lot of story and debates on it and our concern is rather on present situation, which urges a cry from the people towards and against POWER. Therefore our work will be the certain cumulative and comprehensive issues which encompass most of factors relating to politics and economy and effect the social structure of Kashmir.
There are events and movements in past and present, in 2010 in Kashmir which draw attention both  media and political powers towards subject and perception of people all over the world seem to form and say that ‘’there is something wrong’’. This sentence can be bifurcated and classified towards the conflict or dispute. The matter has rise in early CE.20’s when a majority of people where getting up against the monarch which was a vassal ruler of British India. Thus consecutively since then the up rise or revolution has plundered Kashmir’s social and political structure with ever demand of freedom, which never was achieved nor stopped and is frequently been chanted by people on any issue, whatever and wherever they feel oppressed or other matters related or not. Thus what it signifies the perception of freedom against oppression whether social or political reasons. The main factors behind the mass revolts and protests are underlying on factors;
Failure of state economy;-
Everything on bet
Rise of inequalities and unfair practices by law
Social cohesion
Eroding our fundamental values and attributes
Failure of inland politics
what people demand

leaving behind these question and matters which are important urgent to be solved.

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