They Call it New Year,
When life is Caught by Bear,
The death seems so Near
Sweat flows with Fear.
Crows mock, crickets knock,
throats are chock, windows are blocked.
still, ye wear the cloak of mock
The bear stand on the clock.
By Athar Mudasir
The bandwagon of death again blazes the valley
Knocking the doors of innocent tribe.
Hearts of people have shuttered with fear
Hiding in the barks and terrace
The bandwagon of death again blazes the valley
The roses of garden have been ploughed and crushed with boots
Gardens have been put on fire
Apple trees cut and fallen
The bandwagon of death again blazes the valley
The fragrance of sacrifice has ruined the entire occupation
By Athar Mudasir
It is the Hour when the wrongdoers and blasphemy flooded their dark hearts.
It is the Hour when no Road no cave will give refuge.
It is the Hour when skies will burst life will end, soil will submerge and dark hearts will drown in their sins.
It is the Hour when Ark will float, animals will be saved over humans save some.
It is the Hour when animals paid price for sins of mankind.
By Athar Mudasir The heavens danced on your arrival. Birds viped elephants. Palaces shock and crack. A radiant light descends in the middle...